Anyway, that's not any of the fun stuff, just life stuff. Lexi had her new friend Brooke over here on Thursday for a 5th birthday sleepover! She was so excited for so long, "My very first sleepover ever Nini!" Brooke is 6 1/2 and so sweet with Lexi - they get along great and Brooke is sort of "motherly" with Lexi when there is any disagreement, letting her go first, have her way, etc. - I'm not sure that's great for Lex but it was so sweet of Brooke. It was HILARIOUS listening to their conversations without me participating in them - I can't begin to count how many times the two of them used the word "ridiculous." (Example: "Nini, it is so ridiculous that your trash can is in your cabinets." They teased, played, made ginormous messes, and generally had a busy blast. I did too! Because Greg got sick Friday was a little sketchy, so we packed up and went to Christa's after lunch until it was time for Brooke to go home. Here's a few pictures - I practically have a play-by-play posted on Facebook if you're my friend on there and want to look.
We started the day with a trip to Walmart (whoopee) and lunch at McDonald's ... the lunch of champions, huh?
Yeah all this stuff definitely camp out of the homeschooling closet. Should've known they were too quiet ... but really it didn't matter and they had a LOT of fun with "arts & crafts" the whole time they were together. They were also remarkably compliant with cleaning up their mess ... witha little help from a Nini, of course.
Trying to get the kitty - I had to rescue the poor thing a few times - he was definitely "over-loved." And yes, once again, there's Lexi's butt crack. Her signature, apparently.
Just before bed ... Lexi's new princess socks (lovely) and not too long before Greg got sick. Hmmm. Germs.
Bedtime - it only took them 2 1/2 hours to be quiet and go to sleep! Which might have had something to do with Lexi's 29.2 meltdowns on Friday afternoon ...
Long story short - I highly recommend to all Grama's out there to consider hosting your grandchild's sleepover sometime - I think I had as much fun as they did.