Monday, October 01, 2007

Love, sweet love

Today is our anniversary - 19 years!! What holds a marriage together? What makes it stronger with each passing year?

From my vantage point, I can say that for us all these things have been hugely important:

* Believing that we made a covenant before God on the day we got married, and knowing that divorce is not an option!

* Laughter - no one makes me laugh as much as Greg does - we have such a blast together. We've often wondered why we prefer to spend all our free time together, and I think this is a big part of it!

* An amazing strong man of God, who takes his faith seriously, who leads me carefully and well, and who I know would die for me.

* Spending time together before the Lord, reading and studying his word and praying together.

* Being willing to be wrong, or to let it go even if you still think you're right!! Don't major on the minors.

* Be honest, but be kind. Speak the truth in love.

* Sometimes it's better just to shut up. :)

* Be affectionate! Physical touch is so important.

I'm sure there's so many other things that you could think of, and I probably could if I tried, but I'm going to shut this computer and go spend some time with the love of my life!

1 comment:

shannon said...

so you both so much!!!