Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Oh Lexi!

I'm glad I'm not her mama, just her Nini. The girl is too much for me. The other day she was rolling around on the floor, whining for milk, and Christa said, "No, I'm not getting you any, you're being lazy. Lazy girls don't get milk." Lexi looked at her for a split second, then shot back, "Can they have water?"

Along the same lines ... she and Mason were fighting constantly the other morning, and Mason kept screaming every time she picked on him, and the screaming was making me nuts. So I grabbed Mason and told him to stop screaming, that I was going to spank him next time he screamed. At the same time, Christa grabbed Lexi and said, "I know you're messing with him to make him scream, so the next time he screams, I'm going to spank YOU. You got it?" Lexi said, "Yeah. So if I scream will you spank Mason??" You guessed it, we both had to leave the room to bust up laughing. She's too quick for me.

J was reading her a Dora book awhile back, and in the book Dora was reading a book about Diego. Diego got into trouble, so Dora jumped into the book to help him. Lexi said, "Daddy wait! How can Dora be reading the book and IN the book at the same time?" Christa asked him what his answer was - the best he could do was: "Holy crap Lexi, you're smart!"

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