Friday, September 26, 2008

Going, going ... GONE.

Well, he's off. At least from Kansas. He leaves out of L.A. at 2 a.m. Sunday morning - he'll take the train from San Diego to L.A. tomorrow afternoon. He will have a 14 hour flight to Hong Kong and then on to Manila (Philippines) from there.

You can keep up with him over the next year through his blog - (I also put a link to it here on my blog). His travels will take him to China and to Kenya after the Philippines, and nothing beyond those three countries is set yet. He is required to blog once a week - you can click on "updates" on the left column and it will send you an e-mail every time he posts so you don't have to keep checking. :) He will be "blacked out" from all communication while he's in China - very comforting to me, thank you very much.

Actually we're doing fine - it was really hard to send him off yesterday, but out of sadness, not fear. We know that God has truly called him to this mission year, and are excited for his opportunities!

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