Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Blog fast ended

It's been too long ... I've been through my elbow surgery now, and am on the way to recovery. I had to have a part of my hamstring transplanted to replace my UCL tendon in my elbow, yeah sort of a big deal. The recovery time to "normal" (whatever that is) is about 6 months, but I'm already doing so much better. I have physical therapy three times a week, and am in a big ugly brace that I call "Thug." Just for fun. Speaking of fun, physical therapy is NOT fun but I am encouraged by the progress so far.

I have also been so well loved during this recovery time - meals, cleaning my house, visits, cards - it is almost overwhelming. I'm learning how hard it is to receive! It's so much easier to give, and so humbling to be on the receiving end of so much love and mercy and grace. I have been the recipient of the hands and feet of Jesus from my brothers and sisters and that is a beautiful thing.

OK, for some fun, here's a video of Mason and his ongoing fear of all things flying ...

I'll be back sooner this time I hope!


Sheila said...

Oh Angie, so glad you're feeling so much better. When we were in KC it all sounded so bleak and painful!! Love your blog and all the pics I can click to get more videos. You are too good @ this. It was so wonderful to see the gang. Those kids are the best. Love to all, Sheila

Brandon said...

it's about time, i was about to say something about me being a better blogger than you these days...

ps. i am not in ukraine anymore. timisoara.

love you.