Tuesday, July 05, 2011

hula hoop hips on the 4th of July

Gotta love these two hula-hoopers - Lexi's been working at it for awhile (now don't forget the coordination gene factor that runs in our family - all in all she's doing pretty well in my opinion)!

And never one to be outdone, youngest little must have her turn in the limelight.  Now she is definitely the most coordinated of the three, so at her age, I again think she does a pretty darn good job!

I had to laugh when Christa sat down to make Mason repeat the the punk rules to her before they started doing their fireworks - most of them were the usual expected ones, but the very first rule he stated was "DO NOT touch anyone with the punk!"  Ha ha ha!  Wonder if that had already happened the night before??


jcjasn said...

The coordination gene must come through your dad's side because I can trip on "nuttin'"

Angie Clayton said...

Me too - I'm ridiculously uncoordinated - my daughter and I tripped over the same speed bump within seconds of each other once - I'm so curious - who is my commenter??

Cassie said... said...

that is too cute! My boys love those things too!