Thursday, August 17, 2006


So it's 2 a.m. and I'm wide awake. Which really stinks because I was so tired I could hardly stumble to bed at 10 p.m., and tomorrow (well today I guess now) is going to be a busy day! Maybe I was feeling too guilty about neglecting all of you to sleep?

Exciting news - we looked at houses yesterday, and will probably make an offer on one today. It's only a couple of blocks from Christa and family and from my folks, which will be wonderful. I miss being close enough to bug them anytime I feel like it!

Funny story - we were looking at houses in a new subdivision, construction going at full speed everywhere. (OH MY GOSH the water softener just kicked into (LOUD) recycle mode and scared me half to death!!!!!!) Anyway, this house looked to be almost done, and the garage door was part way open, so we walked over to look at it. Greg grabbed the garage door and started to lift it, and we heard this scuffle and saw a ladder wobbling and a little man ducking and hollering - he had his ladder set up inside the garage, and was up at head level facing the top of the partly-open garage door, working on the automatic opener! When Greg yanked open the door it practically decapitated the poor guy - he was yelling in Spanish and Greg was apologizing like crazy - once we realized he was ok, we cracked up laughing!!

Anyway, we didn't pick that house. :) The one we like is about 8 years old, and needs new carpet (which we hope to negotiate for) and a little bit of other work - like covering up the hideous wallpaper in the kitchen/dining room - but it's a great floorplan and has a fenced backyard, nice deck, and sprinkler system. And it's less than a block from a nice community playground. So yes, basically we're buying a house with the babies in mind, but what did you expect?? I'll try to get some pictures when we go back today and put them on here tomorrow if the deal goes through.

Random Hobbit Hollow stuff - here's a picture of our mama deer and her two babies - we have enjoyed watching them romp so much this summer! Of course they have basically decimated our garden, but oh well.

Speaking of gardens, remember that squash I was trying to identify awhile ago? Well I started obsessing on it a couple of days ago, and found a picture on the internet that matched - it's a "yellow crookneck squash" and I have been letting them get WAY too big! Basically they were turning into gourds by the time I picked them. So I'll try picking them earlier and see if I can make anything decent with them!

Lexi is doing a great job with potty training - she is so proud and pleased every time, she yells, "Come quick, I did it!!" Very cute. She has started inserting the word "new" in all kinds of random places ("I want my blankie on my new head" - what??) and told Christa the other day, "Mommy you have a big big nose!!" The girl always makes me laugh.

I must try to sleep. This is ridiculous.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm glad to hear you are better. Randy said you had been sick for a while. I can't wait to hear about camp and the house deal.
I have really enjoyed your blog site.