Sunday, July 01, 2007

Summer Daze

I must say that I have been living life instead of blogging it lately. I've had some wonderful one-on-one time with both grandkids this past month, and it has been delightful. Lexi stayed with us last weekend, and I got a few sweet pictures of her.

We fit a lot into the weekend! A trip to the library led to the inevitable potty stop - she rarely has to go, but just really enjoys checking out public restrooms. Rather odd, yes, but it is genetic ... her mama and nini both did the same thing. :) Anyway, this bathroom in the kids department of the library is really cool - short toilet for short legs, a nice padded bench for mom (or in my case grandma) to sit on, a nifty step stool to get up to the sink to wash up ... all in all worth the investigation even though (you guessed it) she really didn't have to go at all. She was bent over pulling her drawers off when the toilet flushed automatically! And VERY loudly! She jumped, fell forward onto her nose, then turned and yelled at me, "WHY DID YOU FLUSH THAT???" I was laughing way too hard to answer her. Maybe this will stop her from future ventures into public bathrooms if she really doesn't have to go ... but somehow I doubt it.

I took her to get a haircut on Sunday, and she truly "held court" the entire time she was in there - all other conversations ground to a halt as everyone (stylists and customers alike) were listening to her rapid-fire questions for her stylist. Lots of laughter by all ... "What is that fing? What is it for? Do you use it for boys or grils?" And on, and on, and on. It was REAL funny.

Stealing a story from Christa - friday they were on their way home in the van, and Christa asked the kids if they would help with the dishes when they got home. Mason said, "..oh" [his version of "NO" - we're working on consonants :)]. Lexi said "No." Christa pretended to cry, and said, "But who will help me with the dishes?" Lexi: "God will help you Mommy ... He's all around you!" Ha ha ha ha!!

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