Saturday, December 01, 2007

Time Warp

Callie ... and Christa. Is it just me? Every time I look at Callie Anne I get transported back in time because she looks EXACTLY like Christa! I thought Lexi looked like Christa, but I never experienced the deja vu with her that I do with Callie.

In other news ... hmmm. I'm still trying to bounce back from being in the hospital, and now have a sinus infection to further complicate things. As a result I have not been able to work out in a month and I am feeling it on many levels!

We decorated the house for Christmas today - it looks and feels nice (even though I resisted, lazy bah-humbug that I am).

We spent Thanksgiving in San Diego with Brandon and had a fabulous time - wish I had some pictures to share but I hardly took any! It was just a relaxing visit - we stayed in an extended stay-type hotel and he stayed with us, and we mostly cooked there. We met lots of his friends, saw the new church building, and visited two ministries he's involved with, Invisible Children and The Purple Palace, an orphanage just across the border in Mexico. Both visits were very poignant for us, and we have come back with a renewed desire to be involved in the lives of hurting children.

On that note, some very happy news - MaryAnn Brown graduated from High School and finished the Job Corp program to be a Pharmacy Technician! We got to attend her graduation Thursday, and anyone who remembers the time she spent with us will know how much I mean it when I say we are so incredibly proud of her. There were many, many obstacles for her to overcome and many "easier" routes for her to choose, at least in the short term. She plans to go on to college to become a pharmacist.

I am grateful that we got to play a small part in her life, and I can't wait to see where she goes from here!


Anonymous said...

Callie Anne sure does look like Christa! Wow! I agree with you.She sure is adorable.
We are so proud too of what Mary Ann has accomplished! Glad God allowed you to be a big part in that. Isn't it comforting that when things are out of our hands, they are always in God's hand when you are a child of God.
Phippians 1:6 God will finish in Mary Ann what He intends for her no matter her surroundings or conditions. You and Greg were very instrumental in His plan for her! She looks great. I'd love to see her sometime.

Brenda said...

I am so proud of MaryAnn. She is overcoming some huge obstacles in her life and making some good life choices. The pic of Christa and Callie Anne are incredible. It's weird to think you'll know what Callie Anne will look like when she's all grown up.