Saturday, December 13, 2008


I totally over-extended myself this week. On paper it looked ok, but in reality by the time I got to Friday night I was irritable, tired, and my house was a wreck. It seems like I have to do this to myself once every few months or so to remember why I need to not do that! Everything I put on my calendar was a "good" and valuable thing, nothing overtly selfish or anything like that, several get-togethers that were long overdue, several evening activities (which is unusual for us) ... anyway, I just know that when I jam my days full my husband and my house, at the very least, pay the price. So today I'm tired and basically worthless, which shouldn't happen for a stay-at-homer!

Is there a point to all this? Or am I just whining? Maybe I just needed to get it in writing as a reminder for three months from now when I schedule myself into insanity!


Anita J. said...

I once heard somebody say to schedule down time and family time on the calendar. I think it was a Creative Memories agent. She said to get a highlighter and color in the family days on the calendar. They can be moved but not deleted. She was a smart woman (still is, I suppose).

Anita J. said...

P.S. Sorry you're so worn down. Don't feel bad for resting!