Friday, April 29, 2011

pink is my beautiful

Today I had a lofty goal:  to spend my birthday money on a new, fun purse, not because I really needed one, but because I usually look at a purse as a necessity, not an accessory.  So, in addition to my regular "daughter-groceries-errands" Friday, we took the littlest little and went a-shopping.  I asked Tiny to help me choose, and she did - she gave me two (pink) choices and this was my favorite.  When we got back in the van, she said very matter-of-factly, "Pink is my beautiful."  Can't argue with that!

Hey I'm excited that so many of you are stopping by this blog!  (My little site meter counter thingy tells me so.)  But I would love it if A Slice of Life was a busy two-way street instead of a one-way alley ... you can comment right on this blog or on Facebook if you visited from there.  It's too quiet in here - honk your horn or at least give me a wave.

Gotta go ... Tiny wants to be Nini and it's time for me to be Tiny and open up the restaurant for pretend lunch!  (She's already wearing my flip flops and reading my book - she's reaching for my phone - LUNCH IS SERVED!)


Ruth said...

Hey - Love the purse. I have a couple ribbons that would go with that!

Angie Clayton said...

Yeah you do! I might as well have them since your hair has not been graced with them yet!