Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Out of the darkness ...

On April 7, 2011, I started an unexpected of journey into pain. I began having migraines with seizures, and was in the hospital for several days. What followed has been 15 months of doctors, clinics, medicines, and almost daily migraines. Hopelessness and despair were my companions. I've never stopped believing that God is good, and powerful, and capable of anything, but I will confess that I fought my emotion much of the time even as He carried me through.

 My activities came to an abrupt halt, my relationships with friends and family became distant, and I could rarely make plans in advance. Sadly, I felt as if the headaches defined me much of the time. My husband was thrust into a role of caretaker, and our relationship changed as a result. He has been simply incredible throughout this entire time, truly loving me and caring for me in a way that reflected Jesus. I struggled with guilt over too many things to mention, but you can imagine.

 Two weeks ago, I received a botox shot in my left temple - a three minute procedure - and have not had a headache since. Hope springs forth! The journey is not over as it remains to be seen if this is a permanent fix, but for today I rejoice! I find myself full of energy and interest once again. I am, however, left with the perplexing issue of what feels like too much time on my hands - time that has been spent in bed or in my recliner for much of the last year.

 I believe that God brought me to this place for my good and His glory, and my fervent prayer is that He will show me how HE wants me to redeem this gift of time! I know He doesn't want me to go back to business as usual - this journey would have been pointless otherwise. So I wait, and pray, and praise, and clean, and pull those I love close to me again. It is exciting to wonder what lies ahead!

So there you have it, the reason I haven't posted since February. My sense of humor and my "muse" are coming back, so hopefully this blog will be an outlet for my overactive brain once again!



Anonymous said...

hi I to suffer from daily migraines, and I can relate to what you said about them defining you as a person. Your whole life stops, and you are wondering when you will have a normal day. I was just wondering how the botox shot is working. Is the procedure safe. Is it worth it. Please help!

Angie Clayton said...

Yes I absolutely agree that your whole life stops. I have been going to a plastic surgeon/neurosurgeon who has worked with me through migraine journals to find my trigger points, and then injected those triggers one by one. It has been extremely successful. Once the botox has worked in a particular area, he then does surgery to permanently accomplish what the botox does temporarily. I had surgery on my temples about 3 weeks ago and have not had a migraine since. I have another trigger point at the base of my skull, and am scheduled to have surgery there next week. The surgery involves removing either the nerve or the muscles around the nerve that is irritated all the time. I know there's not a lot of surgeons that are doing this - I am thankful to have one in my area. Hope this helps!

Unknown said...

Thanks for sharing your story with us, and I can only hope and pray that you have a wonderful road to recovery! God bless!!!!

Lukisan Abstrak said...

indeed when we are sick we often remember god