Friday, February 02, 2007

This week ...

Long time no post, huh? Just giving the rest of you (except Shannon - you've really been a'bloggin' lately!) a chance to catch up with me.

It's been a rough, sad, painful week around here. I won't share details, but human relationships are just so darn hard. But the good news is that God is on the throne, and He promises to cause all things to work together for good for those who love Him. We're claiming that promise and holding tight to it! AND looking forward to getting to heaven!!

In the meantime, I had a couple of fun days with the kids. Lexi has a new love, washing dishes. Of course, by the time she's done, she's wet up to her armpits and my soap dispenser is completely empty (leaving the thickest, slickest sink full of water I've ever encountered!!) but she will stay at it for a couple of hours if I let her!

Mason's new love/hate relationship is with our kitty - he is so cute, sharing his toys and sometimes even his blankie (that is a BIG BIG deal, I promise!). He is also pretty funny chasing her into a frenzy, yelling nonsense at the top of his lungs, and the kitty tearing around the room, over and under furniture, tail all puffed out, fur all nappy from the static electricity of the carpet, ears laid back, running for her life!

You've probably heard by now that there's another baby on the way at the Kuchta house - Christa is due around September 1st. When she told Lexi she had a baby in her tummy, Lexi said, "Pop it outta there right now!" We're all quite excited, and Christa is looking forward to the end of nausea and debilitating fatigue!

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