Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Camp 2007!

I spent all last week at Camp CUMCITO's Tot Lot - a camp for 4-6 year olds, mostly from the inner city. Because we weren't full (40 kids is max) Lexi was able to go as a camper, even though she was only 3 1/2 (and not from the inner city!). She had a bit of a rough start, had to go see the Director (not me this year, thankfully!!) three times the first day for running away from her "Big Sister" (counselor). I was mortified - sure she was going to get sent home!! - she literally climbed up and down all 20 bunkbeds (many with other kids in them!) all the way through nap time instead of sleeping! (Again ... so glad I wasn't in there!) I was so relieved and thankful to see her change completely on Tuesday - it's like she just decided to conform, which amazes me on MANY levels. She was awesome the whole rest of the week, although she did get banned to the little little pool after Monday because she had no fear of the deep end (4 ft) and "drowned" twice in the first hour she was in the pool. The lifeguard did let her go back in the big pool on Friday, and she was so excited! And she did fine.

The kids learned about the story of Joseph and his amazing coat, and learned four Bible verses, and did lots of crafts, and rode ponies several times, and swam, and played and played and played! One of the coolest moments of the week was to have the Bible teacher tell me that when she was explaining that Jesus had died for their sins and because of that they could have Jesus in their hearts, Lexi stood up and said, "I have Jesus in MY heart!!"

I have tons of pictures, but this video is my favorite so I'll just post it for now. This was the entrance to the carnival, and each group had to say one of their Bible verses from the week as the price of admission.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness, could she be ANY cuter?? B and I get to go to the Rock's Jr. High summer camp next week. I think Lexie would put them to shame with her memory verses

:)~ Darah