Monday, July 30, 2007

Proud to be an American ...

My brother, Chris. Currently in the second phase of state-side training, soon to be deployed to Kosovo as part of the ongoing NATO peacekeeping mission. If you click on the title above it will take you to an article in the Ft. Leavenworth newspaper about their departure ceremony.

More than 20 years of dedicated preparation and service in the Marines and National Guard have come down to this year, which is probably how long he will be gone from home. His wife, Amy, and 9 year old son, Alex, are as brave as all the other military families I've seen from afar, yet I'm keenly aware of their fear and pain, and it makes me think. I am very proud of my brother AND his family for their sacrifice.

I know all three of them covet the prayers of the saints as they walk this assignment out in faith.


Emily said...

Thank you to your brother. We live in a very large military community and know what a big sacrifice he is making...along with his family! Great picture! Is he on a helicopter??

Angie Clayton said...

Yes, he's on a helicopter - looks like something from the movies to me!

Anonymous said...

I am so proud of Chris, Amy and Alex. I am very happy to be able to be praying for them. They deserve all our support. Chris really looks good in all his army stuff. For some reason it just fits him! God's speed Chris. We love you for doing what you are doing.