And a close-up of the spiderman suit ... apparently after every house he yelled "thank you - WUDGE!" Which many of you know was Lexi-speak for "I love you" before she could speak very well, and it has stuck in our whole family. Doubt too many of the neighbors caught on but it was still very sweet.
And Callie Anne showing how interested she was in the whole shebang ...
AND, last but not least, Lexi trying a repeat of the makeup Mommy did the night before. Not bad, really!!
Finally! Your daughter is busy, I get that. I just wanted to see the kids in their Halloween get-up. It is the day of great posts!! happy day.
OK you have to cut me a little slack - I was in the hospital from Friday until yesterday and sick the whole week before that ... now don't you feel bad? :)
OK, OK, I know you all have lives outside the blog world. Goodness, I hope you are doing better. Thanks for the pictures. Say hi to the gang there.
Geez - would you stop guilt tripping my in-laws??
Yes I'm tons better - had vertigo and all the accompanying symptoms (yuck) really bad - finally got it under control yesterday so I feel like a new human bean today. :) And Christa - I can't seem to guilt trip you very well any more so I have to try it on SOMEONE!
I am a sucker for a good guilt-trip. Hi Christa!
Maybe we'll see you all poolside this summer.
Hooray for your blog ANGIE!(guilt trip meant for your daughter)Ummm...didn't J wear that costume a few years back? I swear I remember that.
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