Thursday, July 24, 2008

Boo boo of the summer award?

So as you know I went to camp last week, as I do every summer. I lost eight pounds, 20 hours of sleep, my blood pressure is 160/100, and I BROKE MY ELBOW!!! How, you ask? Well, on Thursday night after the carnival, I lead the kids all over the campus of Tot Lot singing "I'm in the Lord's Army" and eventually end up gathered around the pool. They we played Simon Says, and the last thing I said was, "Simon says JUMP IN THE POOL!" And I did. The kids are always so shocked and thrilled to see the "time out lady" as they call me jump into the pool fully clothed - and then they jump in too. A highlight of the week ... except this time my feet slipped out from under me (note to self ... do not jump in shallow end next year) and I caught myself with my left arm. It hurt like crazy when I did it, and the nurse took good care of me with an ace bandage and ice packs, but I had to "do camp" and just couldn't focus on it. Once I got home Saturday, it started feeling better but I wasn't using it much - yesterday I leaned on the counter and put some weight on it for the first time - YOW! Decided I should go to doctor ... expecting some anti-inflammatories and maybe a sling for a few days ... got sent to xray instead and found that I fractured my elbow. I asked the nurse, how could that happen when I didn't hit my elbow on anything? Her reply ... well the elbow is just not designed to take that much weight. Ouch. And I was so happy about the 8 lbs I lost.

Anyway, I'm now sporting a pretty pink neon cast (just for Lexi - she signed it this morning) for 4-6 weeks ... of course I'm hoping for 4. I've figured out I can do pretty much everything except shave my right arm pit - Christa will be called into action to help with that. :) Of course I haven't tried any housework or cooking yet - we'll see how that goes!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's been so crazy around here that I haven't checked out your blog for awhile YIKES!! I will pray for a 4 week heal:) Great color, that is a brave fashion statement. Have a good rest of the summer!! Sheila