Thursday, August 07, 2008


Last night we took Lexi to see Wall-E (not so good for her age, but some funny adult lines). On the way there, she was excited and told us she went to see a move "a long time ago" at her church. Actually it was like a month ago, but I guess to a four year old that's a long time. :) It was a Veggie Tales, and our conversation went something like this:

Me: What was the movie about?
Lexi: I don't know. (Most irritating regular answer she gives me ...)
Me: Was it about Jonah?
Me: What happened to Jonah?
Lexi: He got EATED by a BIG FISH!
Me: What happened before the fish ate him?
Lexi: He was on a boat in a storm, and he jumped off the boat and the storm went away.
Me: Right! Why was he on the boat?
Lexi: I don't know (whine)
Me: Did God want him to do something?
Lexi: OH YEAH! God wanted him to go to Vinegar and he didn't want to go!

Ha ha - I'm still laughting.

1 comment:

Anita J. said...

That is hilarious. And it will preach, too. Yep. That's going in my notebook. With credit to Lexi, of course. I'll have to call her "Angie's Lexi" since my daughter (Alexa) gets called Lexi quite a bit.