Last night we took Lexi to see Wall-E (not so good for her age, but some funny adult lines). On the way there, she was excited and told us she went to see a move "a long time ago" at her church. Actually it was like a month ago, but I guess to a four year old that's a long time. :) It was a Veggie Tales, and our conversation went something like this:
Me: What was the movie about?
Lexi: I don't know. (Most irritating regular answer she gives me ...)
Me: Was it about Jonah?
Me: What happened to Jonah?
Lexi: He got EATED by a BIG FISH!
Me: What happened before the fish ate him?
Lexi: He was on a boat in a storm, and he jumped off the boat and the storm went away.
Me: Right! Why was he on the boat?
Lexi: I don't know (whine)
Me: Did God want him to do something?
Lexi: OH YEAH! God wanted him to go to Vinegar and he didn't want to go!
Ha ha - I'm still laughting.