Wednesday, March 03, 2010

Always learning

Lexi learned (and of course explained ad nauseum) the purpose and function of title pages in books recently.  Mason is becoming a little master of his bicycle ... I suspect his training wheels may be coming off well before Lexi's.  Callie has learned how to pout masterfully - that little lip sticks out so far it's ridiculous!

Me?  I'm learning a few things these days too.  Like I can stop reading a book if I'm not enjoying it.  And it's ok to say no to things that overload me - even if I didn't think that thing was an overloader.  Also, I almost ALWAYS undercook rice ... what is that about?  Why don't the package directions work?  This is a biggie - I get seriously wound up about stuff that shouldn't rob my energy, mental or otherwise ... "be anxious for nothing ..." ... well, I'm learning.  Perhaps a "BFO" (blinding flash of the obvious), but an intricate, detailed budget, while time consuming, really does work, and frankly brings freedom I never would have expected. 

Time is strange.  Sometimes it flies by so fast I can hardly remember what day it is, let alone the actual date.  But this week it is crawling, creeping, slugging along ... maybe because I keep getting up at 4:30 a.m.?  Hmm.  That could explain it.  Of course this also makes it hard for me to remember what day it is ...

Long dreary snowy cold winters make my mouth water for spring.  Easy warm winters?  Well, I hardly even notice the transition.

Doing one load of laundry a day, while easier than doing it all at once, never gives the satisfaction that totally empty laundry baskets do.

I'm still pondering, post-Sunday, the notion that there is much opportunity in suffering.  I have always been taught that suffering is inevitable for Christians, but more from the standpoint that we must expect it and withstand it ... now I'm presented with the idea that there is opportunity for witness, especially, in how I handle suffering.  My heart tells me this is a big lesson while my head is still trying to wind around it.

OH ... this is nothing I've newly learned, but am recalling daily now as the excitement builds - I LOVE MARCH MADNESS! 

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