Tuesday, April 29, 2014

back to the basics

Interestingly, I tried to post on my Pathways Through the Wilderness blog today, for the first time in WAAAY too long, and found it has crashed. And since I'm oh so clueless about such things, I dug up my original, first-come-first-serve blog from the good 'ole days. It's been fun reading back through those posts, and I think I'll just continue on here for now.

I giggled a little at my tag line ... "Living a Life of Constant Change" ... well, that hasn't changed even though it's been almost two years since I've posted here.

I could write a country song.

But some things never change, and that is the simple reality of my life. Sacrifices made for me, lives shared with me, friendships forged over laughter and tears (and coffee, of course). Endings become beginnings.

I am days away from a new Slice of Life. I've resigned my position as Women's Ministry Director at my church, because I've hung on as long as I could and it's time to go. My body is weak. Yet my mind is still strong (mostly) and I have confidence that this new Slice will be as delicious as all the previous ones. I just don't happen to know what flavor it is yet! Good thing I'm a fan of pie in general, and that I have (some) patience to wait for it.

Looking forward to catching up!

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