Friday, June 30, 2006

All about Lexi, all the time!

Oh the wonder and joy of hanging out with a 2 year old! She is unabashedly self centered ("You're so pretty Lexi" - she replies, "Yeah, I am.") A few recent Lexi-isms:

* While trying to prepare her to be polite when meeting my friend Elaine Munyan, she was practicing saying her name on the way there. Result - "Hi Mrs. Onion. I don't like onions, I don't eat 'em." Can you call that good manners? Not sure, but we're trying. :)

* While watching kids last week before their daddy came home from work - Lexi heard the garage door go up and gasped for joy - "DADDY'S HOME!! NOW I CAN DO WHATEVER I WANT!!" I'll just leave it at that. Needless to say, I laughed though.

* Greg was holding her recently, and he was wearing a t-shirt with an O'Reilly emblem on it (car parts, etc.) - Lexi pointed at it and said, "That's a store!" Now I promise you Christa and J have probably neither one ever even set FOOT in O'Reillys, so how in the heck does she know that?

Oh my mind has gone blank, there are dozens of new delightful ones every day, but I'll stop and go to a couple of sweet pictures instead - Papa and Lexi dancing just before she went to bed, just out of the bath, smelling sweet and all cuddly. Precious.

Very cool, very cool, very cool - there's no doubt this child is going to be a reader! Happy day!

Here she is being sweet to Sam, the neighbor's dog, bringing him drinks of water from the fountain. She kept calling him, "Here buddy buddy buddy, here buddy." He is very gentle with her - she always thinks he's a bear! :)

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