Thursday, June 15, 2006

Uneventful week

Haven't posted much this week - it's been a slow one for me! Not that I'm complaining. :) Yesterday Christa and I were supposed to go back to help DeeDee, but for several reasons it didn't work out so we ran some errands and took the kids to the pool instead. They're only good for about an hour, but it's a fun hour! Christa has an air-filled floating baby "holder" that we always used with Lexi, but Mason totally sunk it! So we just have to hold on to his slippery little body. Funny thing is that he walks without help all over the place in the baby pool, but will hardly even try it on dry land. Guess the weightlessness of the water must help him! Actually he is taking a step or two between people and furniture, so it won't be long.

I brought the kids home overnight and had them all day today while Christa was at training - both of them have colds so I was chasing snotty noses all day long! Mason is getting so much more interactive - he loves to hand you something, then take it back, then hand it to you again, and so on and so forth - could last hours if you let it. He crawls like speedy gonzalez, usually with something in each hand - today he was using his mouth for a third hand! Very efficient of him, I thought.

Both kids took exceptionally good naps (could it be the Dimetapp?!), but when Lexi got up she basically bawled the whole rest of the afternoon. I kept asking her what was wrong, and finally she said, "I don't know, I'm just not happy!" Poor baby.

Tomorrow will be busy with Bible study in the morning, a trip to the Mission for a going away party for a friend, then a women's ministry retreat overnight Friday night. We'll have the kids again for awhile on Saturday - both of us though, so I probably won't be as tired as I am tonight! :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Those kids are so adorable. Get cuter with each picture! I'm glad you reminded me to look at these. I put your website on my favorites, so will be checking fequently.
