Thursday, July 20, 2006

What I learned at camp

This is all still "soaking in," but it was SUCH an interesting week at camp last week! I was not anywhere near 100% physically, and neither was Cindy, the director. As a result, we weren't nearly as prepared ahead of time as we usually were, and we opted out of lots of "extra" things that we normally might have done with/for the kids.

The amazing thing was, we both had the easiest camp week we've ever had, despite lack of preparation. We must have turned to each other 5 times a day and said, "Aren't we supposed to be doing something right now?" But we weren't - and for the first time we actually had a reasonable amount of time off, and slept all night most nights. These are both unheard of for me at camp!! The coolest thing was that the kids still had a GREAT time, they didn't miss anything, and things went more smoothly with less running around like fools than ever before.

So ... the lesson for me (and Cindy too I think, although I won't speak for her) was that I think I've had a tendency to plan God right out of camp, and this year He didn't let me. Because He saw to it that I couldn't do it any other way, I completely surrendered the week to Him, and it was awesome in ways I would never have expected! So, I've subtitled last week "Don't Major on the Minors"!

The TITLE, you ask? POOP WEEK. Don't laugh. We had more kids poop their pants, accidentally and on purpose, than I've had in all the other years combined. Not much fun, but it actually started to get funny after while. SO the kitchen staff memorialized Poop Week at our Friday night dinner by setting up this station for Cindy and I:

In case you can't read it, it's a stool, topped with a diaper and a link sausage (no that's NOT REALLY POOP) and a sign that says "Stool Sample for the Head Poop Head." Oh come on, that's funny! Well it was by that point in the week anyway, I don't care what you say!

Here's a picture of the kitchen staff, with their mascot "garlic and herb seasoning" - they used this stuff in EVERYTHING we ate!

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