Sunday, August 13, 2006

Poop week, revisited

This one goes in the Tot Lot Hall of Fame, for sure. This little guy's name is Jayce.

He cried pretty much all week. Look closely, and you'll find the tracks of his tears ... that is, if you can get past the bottom lip! :) He was my buddy, and a very earnest young man. He started every sentence with: "But Miss Angie, I have to tell you something ..." and somewhere in every conversation we had he told me "But Miss Angie, I just wanna go home!!" Almost every time he was in time out, his time had to start over because he just COULDN'T STOP HIMSELF from talking.

About mid-week, I found out from his Big Sister, Rachel, that he had pooped his pants twice that day. Deja-vu?? For me too! I thought for sure Week I was the end of the poop fest. But no. I told her that from now on, she should come get me to clean him and the mess up, because it wasn't in her job description to do that. The next day, during naps ... well suffice it to say he tried to clean up after himself and I'll just leave it to your imagination from there. Later that evening, during free play, on the playground ... yep, again. By now it's taken on the consistency of pudding. Yikes. (Sorry but you need to know that to appreciate the end of the story.) Another clean-up, with him in the shower this time (I just pitched all his clothes, it was all I could handle by that point). After all was finished, I walked back towards my room, and found Diana (the Bible teacher) and Brooke (the pseudo-nurse - more on that later). I told them what had just happened, and that it was the fourth time in two days, and Brooke said, "Oh, so I guess I should stop giving him a laxative twice a day now?" OH MY GOSH!!!!!!!!! Apparently his mom sent the medicine with a note to stop giving it when his poop got runny, but due to the shortage/underqualifications of staff none of us communicated with each other this VERY IMPORTANT piece of information!! His Big Sister knew he was getting medicine twice a day, but didn't know what it was for, I didn't know he was getting medicine at all, and the nurse didn't know he was pooping his pants!!

Having said all of that, it was truly remarkable to see Rachel, his teen-age Big Sister, lovingly cleaning him up and caring for him - she was absolutely the hands and feet of Jesus to that poor little guy!

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