Monday, April 02, 2007

I wish ...

This video makes me laugh and laugh and laugh ....

Edit: 4/11/07 - I FINALLY figured out what she is saying towards the end, when I get her to repeat that same phrase over and over - she's saying "I imagined it away" - ok yes that's weird, but I promise that's what it is - I got the little guy for her today because it's been driving me crazy trying to figure out what she was saying, and asked her where his underwear was. She said that same phrase, and I said, "You imagined it away?" and she said "YES! I imagined it away" ... like, it's about time you understood me, ya do-do! So now I could go into a dissertation about whether it makes her smart or a pervert that she at three years old she thinks she "imagined" away his underwear, but I'll just let that go I guess.


Kari F. said...

I love how all of a sudden it dawns on her she doesn't need her stinkin' bro to help her out, the mouse/bunny will do just fine and pleases her I think MORE than if Mason played. Gotta love girls!

Emily said...

His butt...his bottom doesn't have any underwear on! That part had me tickled.

Angie Clayton said...

I agree with both of you - the whole thing just cracks me up. DRAMA QUEEN!!!!!!!! Maybe with an impulse disorder even! :)

Sheila said...

This piece made me laugh so hard and it was a great female/male study. Dear Lexi falls in a heap with her forlorn/sad voice hoping to kick Mason in gear or to get you to. But alas, Mason is in his own world, totally oblivious to the drama(dum-de-dum). But Lexi rallies in the true female spirit and goes into a problem-solving mode and comes up with a solution and a new playmate to boot. Loved the transition from butt to bottom to bubb bumm thing. But my observation of you just quietly observing and asking questions and patiently waiting for answers was a true inspiration for me in the art of listening, one does learn soooo much.

Hope this publishes. I've attempted to comment 4 times since your post. Emily thought maybe I could try before I was logged onto my blog sight. The upside is I have had some good keyboarding practice. Love to all, Sheila

Anonymous said...

That girl is so smart! I'm not sure when I was a kid what I would have done. That was tooooo many years ago! But she just figured it out and went ahead and had a game of ring around the rosie anyway! Look out comes a thinker. Mason is in his own world. Whatever he is interested in at the moment he doesn't lose his focus. It's fun to watch kids develop.
Love you,