And here is a BIG foot hooked to a really skinny leg - and yes, her little toes are on sideways. For those who don't know this juicy little tidbit, Christa's girls are at least the fourth consecutive generation of women to have this lovely trait. Interestingly (and lucky for him), Mason's feet don't look anything like ours.
Here's Brenda holding her at the hospital yesterday. Brenda and I wore out Lexi and Mason this morning hitting all the clearance racks all over town for newborn summer stuff (Lexi was born in January - darn I had to go shopping). We took them to the McDonald's play place for a treat, and the second time up the tube I heard Lexi say, "What's a matter Mason? Are you scared of the poop?" WHAT????????? I told them to come on down the slide for a snack (don't worry we washed first) and told the manager, who came in and interrogated Lexi about where and what and how much ... she gave him all the graphic details, but I won't repeat them here (you're welcome). [EDIT: Neither Lexi nor Mason pooped in the slide! Greg pointed out that it could be read that way! No, Lexi just discovered and announced (thankfully) some OTHER kid's poop that was left behind for us.] Needless to say we left and went to the mall to play instead where all the toys are totally visible. That might be the end of "invisible" play places for me.
This is actually the first moment the "big kids" saw her yesterday - it was so incredibly sweet to see.
They are all home safe and sound and settling in this evening. Actually we have Mason here, as Lexi obviously needs some Mommy and Daddy time. Not surprisingly she has some "adjusting" to do and it is coming out in some not-so-charming ways. My heart goes out to her, I'm just praying it will be a quick process for her. She adores Callie, and loves to help Mommy with her, it's just the other 23 hours that are a problem!