Monday, August 15, 2011


This has been a longer pause than I intended!  I do have some good excuses ... mainly that until this past week I have been in a drug-induced haze.  One of the medications I've been on that is supposed to prevent migraines (Topamax) simply makes me stupid.  Instead of getting better, over six weeks' time, it just kept getting worse, until I felt like I was losing pieces of myself day by day.  I got to the point where getting the dishwasher loaded was a big accomplishment for the day, and anyone who knows me realizes how ridiculously WRONG that is!! 

On top of that, two weeks ago I aspirated something (food or liquid) into my lungs and ended up with pneumonia.  Needless to say, that incapacitated me for awhile.  Thankfully we caught it early so I was "cured" with antibiotics and avoided the hospital.

Two weekends ago, I decided enough was enough.  I did a TON of research and discovered that the reaction I was having to the Topamax was not unusual, and would probably not get any better as long as I was on it.  Considering that I was still having almost daily migraines, it seemed pretty obvious that it is not helping, and the side effects are intolerable.  So after talking with one of my doctors, I began the process of safely tapering off the Topamax and starting another medicine that I have taken before (and tolerated well) that is also a good preventive for migraines.

I also discovered that migraneurs often have magnesium deficiencies, so I started taking magnesium supplements last Monday.  I also found that caffeine is terrible for migraines ... ARGH!!!!!  But at this point the potential tradeoff is worth it, so I have been cutting back my caffeine drastically with the goal to be caffeine free.

THE RESULT:  I had a fantastic week last week!!  My energy is returning, my brain is de-fogging, I've rediscovered my sense of humor, and I'm BORED!  That may be the best sign of all.  :)  I only had two headaches last week.  Most exciting:  I was able to attend a big family function Saturday, and went to church on Sunday for the first time since May.  All attempts to be part of big groups of people previously have failed - sensory overload I guess.  I would get a migraine almost immediately and have to leave.  So I am just thrilled beyond words to have had such a great week and to have been able to interact with people I love outside of my house.

I did have an MRI on my neck last Friday (checking to see if the disc above the one that was fused last summer has possibly herniated - we know it is bulged and if it has herniated it could be causing a lot of my symptoms) and a vision evoked potential test today (checks how fast my brain responds to stimuli - another MS test).  These are the last two tests that I know of, and once I have those results we plan to gather everything up and go back to my primary care doctor for help in deciding where to go from here.  There are a lot of "borderline" results in my various tests, but nothing definitive - of course it couldn't be that easy!

I continue to savor my morning time reading, studying, writing, and being still before God - this has been and continues to be an incredible time of spiritual growth for me, and while I don't especially like the particular circumstances, I would not trade the things I've learned and the way God has revealed Himself to me for anything!

My big littles started back to school today.  I can hardly believe it - summer's gone and they are now in first and second grade.  Speaking of savoring, time really does fly, and I continue to have impressed on me the importance of choosing well how I spend my time.  It matters.  Those little bodies are only going to fit beside me in this recliner for a little while longer, and sick or not, I want them snuggling me while they're still willing!
Happy Monday!


Julie Elizabeth Clayton said...

This post made me smile! I love you so much!!! I hop and pray this is the start of a new chapter in your life.

Anonymous said...

I'm not really hopping but I am hoping.

Cassie said... said...

I hate borderline results!! They totally suck!:) It was great to see you sunday even if we only got to say high and touch fingertips as you went by!