The first picture is Lexi, about 15 minutes after getting up from what we affectionately call her "non-nap" (2 hours of singing in the bed but no sleeping). She generally gets up from these sessions a little ... well, manic is the best word I can use. Here she is eating yogurt with a wooden Crate & Barrel condiment spoon (she insisted), probably just after yelling something at me by the looks of her.

Shortly after this, she started slamming crayons against her color book and table, and I said, "Lexi, you need to be nice." She replied, "I can't WANNA be NICE, I wanna be MEAN!" So I told her that mean little girls have to go back to bed, and she started running circles around the room yelling at the top of her lungs, "QUACK QUACK QUACK QUACK E-I-E-I-O!!!!" (We taught her the Old McDonald song last weekend. Just not this version.)
Next picture: two naked babies in the bath, one with the letter "R" hanging out of his mouth.

And last but not least, Mason hauling his naked butt up the stairs at the speed of light!
He seems like he's almost ready to walk - taking steps here and there, and walking holding on to only one hand. He'll be impossible to keep up with then!
All in all a very good day.
Bring this recipe to camp. Cindy
Yes ma'am!! Actually I'll e-mail it to you too, just in case I forget. :)
Nice! Where you get this guestbook? I want the same script.. Awesome content. thankyou.
I really enjoyed looking at your site, I found it very helpful indeed, keep up the good work.
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