Thursday, December 14, 2006

Martha, dear Martha

Yesterday during my quiet time I read in "The Message" Luke 10:41-42, right after Martha complains that Mary is leaving her to do all the hard work in the kitchen while she (Mary) sits at the feet of Jesus. Jesus says: "Martha, dear Martha, you're fussing far too much and getting yourself worked up over nothing. One thing only is essential, and Mary has chosen it - it's the main course, and won't be taken from her."

Anybody else find themselves (at this time of the year especially) fussing too much, getting yourself worked up over nothing? I know I do. Jesus gave a gentle, loving reminder to Martha (and to me) to keep the main thing the main thing - very good for me during this holiday season.

On that note, I have the blessing of heading to Wisconsin tomorrow to spend a few days with Linda and family. I am really looking forward to spending some time with her! I'll be home Tuesday, in time for a few days of rest (and focus on the "main course!") before the Christmas rounds begin here - we will get to spend Christmas Eve with Greg's family, Christmas Day with my family, and the day after Christmas with our children and grandkids, parents, and neighbors-turned-family Kirk and Brenda and boys. So much to look forward to, and yet I am really praying that I will keep focused even in all the delight of preparation and gifts and fellowship, that I won't forget Jesus, even for a minute!

Here's a couple of cute Lexi pictures:

Here's Lexi, finally carrying our poor kitty in a reasonable manner ... she loves the kitty so much! Every time (and I do mean EVERY time) she's here, she tells me, "Nini, your kitty is SO CUTE!!" and "I WUB your kitty so much!" Don't know how much kitty has been feeling the love though, since it was a two week project teaching her to pick the kitty up "nicely" - aka, not by the tail or throat. :)

And here she is with Brenda, fresh from a nap (Lexi, not Brenda :), soft and cuddly and warm and flushed cheeks ... when I took the picture, Lexi said, "Nini took a picture!" Brenda replied, "Yes, she took a picture of a pretty girl!" Lexi's answer: "Yes, and of YOU TOO!" Ha ... ha ... ha?


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I love the Martha and Mary story. A great reminder that we should keep our eyes and hearts on what's important during Christmas time. Have a wonderful time with Linda, I can't wait to hear how your visit goes. Relax and enjoy yourself. :)
Love ya