Wednesday, September 12, 2007

A picture worth a thousand words

Sweet, precious girls - Lexi just wants to be as close as possible to "Callie Anne" (as she always calls her), and often says in delight, "She likes me! She really likes me!" (Who can remember when Sally Fields said those exact words?? Maybe Lexi's practicing to receive her future Oscar.)


Brenda said...

What beautiful little girls. It's so sweet to see the kids loving Callie Anne.

Anonymous said...

Oh how sweet! What a great picture. Two really pretty girls. I hope this continues all thru their lives. A sister is a very special relationship that can be really bad or the best thing ever. My sister and I see everything as different as two people can, but we have a special love for each other that I have with no one else. She was my idol when I was little. Callie will look at Lexi in the same way I'll bet. I pray she will be kind and loving always to her baby sister.
Yes Lexi, she really likes you. She always will.
Love you all,

Sheila said...

How I wish I could snuggle in along side them. I can't wait to get to KC, hoping it will be very soon!! Love to all.

Angie, thanks again for a great picture.