Monday, November 23, 2009

Get your head in the game!

First of all, a big WOOT for the Kansas City Chiefs' win yesterday! 

We had the kiddos Saturday night for awhile, and I caught all three of them working intently at something they love:

Awhile ago I taught Lexi the basics of reading music, and she has retained it amazingly well!  She is so cute plucking out the little songs in her beginner book, and so proud of herself when she "hears" that it is right.  This time she caught the concept of a half note vs. a quarter note, and was correctly holding the half notes (roughly) twice as long as the quarter notes.  Keep reading, you'll hear her doing improv in the video at the end of this post.

One of Mason's claims to fame is the (OCD?) lining up of his cars ... he focuses on this to the exclusion of all other things, especially instructions from anyone who is the boss of him.  He is QUITE effective at tuning out Callie, until she destroys something he has built, then his focus is lasered in on her in that way that only brothers seem to master ... screeching and pushing and stomping his feet ... one of these days he will learn that that usually gets him in more trouble that she caused him in the first place.

And Callie Anne, messy curly headed dolly that she is, stuffing dominoes in the fanny pack.  She and Papa spent a fair amount of time working on this project!  One of the feet on her pajamas has a big-toe-sized hole in it, and everytime that little big toe poked out of there she would freeze and yell "PRETTY!" because there is just a sliver of toenail polish left on it from eons ago.

This is my favorite picture of the night actually - this calendar gets more attention than anything else in my house.  And this particular version reflects my scattered brain pretty well these days!

I'm pretty sure today is June March October 36th.

Just like it takes 400, um, 36, I mean 950 hours to get to Lincoln, according to Mason.

And the grand finale ... Papa giving Callie a ride with chaos all around! 

Trying to store up these hours and moments, for I know they are precious and fleeting.

1 comment:

Hi Kooky said...

Looks like a most excellent time was had by all!