Sunday, January 10, 2010

Not much, how about you?

Well, there's just not much going on worth reporting. But I haven't posted in too many days, so I'll dredge my memory and see what I can find from the last week or so.

Cold. COLD COLD COLD! My cats won't stay off me, keep trying to creep under the blanket when I'm in my recliner, cold little feet parked on my legs. Lots of snowblowing, too ... not by me of course.

Fun sleepover with Lexi ... an interminably long game of Monopoly that ended when she got bored and started fooling around. Thank the stars! I was about to lose my mind.

Missed our Bible study on Thursday as it was cancelled due to weather. The break has been too long, ladies, don't you agree? Anxious to get back to it this week.

Determined to get back on the treadmill. Determination was made some time ago; actual follow-through started today.

Callie fell against the bathtub and split her lip - had to get three stitches, one of which she ripped out on the way home from the ER due to excessive screaming.

A dear friend became an overnight Mama ... sweet Sadie will be adopted into their already-family-of-seven, now eight, soon, Lord willing.

I am totally frustrated with my inability to keep my calendars synced between home and work. I think I need one of those phones that will do it for me, because double-booking and/or forgetting appointments is just not cool.

Brandon found a permanent residence, living with Dan (from the Race) and a number of other Christian guys. He sounds happy to be living in community again. And I suspect it will be very good for his heart.

What else? There is surely more; however, the Jayhawks are about to play, so I'm calling it a blog.

1 comment:

Hi Kooky said...

Oh my goodness - ripping out a stitch while screaming - OW! I'm still looking for my treadmill follow-through...