Sunday, January 24, 2010

Scrapbooking update

So guess what?  In this 20-hour event, I managed to get about 12 recipes typed.  The rest of the time I wandered around talking, for the most part ... but it was fun and these ladies are incredible in their dedication to the sport and the creativity they have.  I'm a little jealous, even, but my good friend Jennifer made me feel better when she brought a book the second day!  Not a scrapbook, just a book to read.  LOL - thanks Jen!

Totally off topic, but I read/heard somewhere that you can print off your blog?  Is it as simple as hitting the print button at the top of the page or is there a better way?  I realized that I've been writing here since 2006 - so much history there, I'd love to have it as a "book."  Maybe that's my scrapbook replacement?  There.  I feel better already.


Hi Kooky said...

Ooooh. If you figure out how to print your blog, let me know. Throw in a 3-hole punch and a binder, and voila! Scrapbook! Right?

Kari F. said...

Angie, there was an ad on someone else's blog that there is a service that will do it for you with a soft or hard cover. I'm telling you this and have no idea who does it or remember where I saw it, but am telling you so you can google it or something. I thought it was a great idea, I may do that soon too.

Anonymous said...

Call Shannon. I think she knows!
Love, Mom

Angie Clayton said...

I found a site that will do it - - thanks Shannon. Looks really nifty. BUT I also figured out that you can just print it out to your printer. I'm sure it's not as slick as it would be coming from somewhere else, but for now it will do.