Monday, July 17, 2006

A peek into Tot Lot

This is from carnival night - by our standards, perhaps, a lame little carnival, but the kids had a blast!! They got prizes at each station, threw water balloons at each other, and got their faces painted. They also had a picnic basket dinner on the playground, which is fun to the kids even when it's 100+ degrees.

Here's a picture of the girls' dorm - there's another row of bunkbeds opposite these, and the boys' dorm looks exactly the same, except messier! How does that always happen? I guess a bunch of little boys and teenage Big Brother counselors, none of whom care a lick about how neat their room looks! There are always flip flops and shoes everywhere on the boys' side, and it always smells horrible in there(some combination of sweat & pee and other things I either haven't figured out or don't want to think about). Anyway, each dorm can hold up to 20 kids, for a total of 40, but we only had 21 total this week, so it was a small camp.

Aren't these little toilets too cute?!! Just noticed the empty toilet paper holder - that happens I guess. Hard to keep up with things like that, although we sure try! The big piece of wood over the top of the big toilet tank has been like that for I think two years - I remember when it happened. The shelf above the toilet just fell down off the wall and crashed into the toilet, breaking the tank lid - I remember how thankful we were that there wasn't a kid sitting on that toilet at the time!

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