Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Tricky toes

Yesterday afternoon the kids were here, and Lexi was taking one of her "non-naps." I finally went in to see what all the ruckus was, and found that I had dummied up once again and put the playpen too close to the OTHER dresser in the bedroom. Hello! Anyway, the drawer she got into this time contained about 20 elastic headbands, all of which were around her neck like necklaces, and at least 10 little hair barrettes - one of which was stuck between each of her ten toes! I wanted so bad to go get the camera but I had to be stern with her instead, trying not to die laughing, and get the hair stuff put away, the playpen moved away from THAT dresser too, tell her to lay down and go to sleep NOW, and get out of there before I cracked up. That girl.

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