Monday, July 03, 2006

Two stories

Something really cool happened last week. B.J. was at a bonfire for the volunteers at his church, and had taken his guitar for worship music. The sprinklers came on, and someone kindly moved his (black) guitar and stand out of the way. Well, when the festivities were over, he loaded everything up in his car and went home. He realized about 2:30 a.m. that he had forgotten his guitar! He went back for it, but it was gone. He told us about it when he called on Sunday - his attitude was such a blessing to me. Basically, he said that if God wanted to have a guitar he was trusting that He would replace it, otherwise he must not need it for this "season." So he was just going to pray and not worry about it. The next day I was talking to my friend Joan, and guess what she said ... "Hey I have this guitar here that's brand new - we got it because Kassi (her daughter) and I were going to take lessons, but it didn't happen, and it's been sitting here for a year." So, long story short, God replaced his guitar!! I shipped it to him Friday. Very, very cool and a fast answer to his prayer (and I believe his right attitude).

Friday I was playing Legos with Lexi, and I noticed one of her Legos had cross stickers on top of each peg. (She's WAY into stickers right now.) I asked her, what is this? She said, "A cross!" I asked her what she knew about the cross, and she said "Jesus!" I said, "What about Him?" She lowered her little head to her chest, and said, "It's very sad." I asked her why, and she held her hands out in front of her and said, "He got owies." I told her she was right, and then she said, "But guess what, Nini! He climb down off that cross!!" It blew me away - and then I got to share the baby gospel with her and tell her why He died, and rose again - so that she could be friends with God. Then she said, "He is my friend, He hug me and kiss me every night!" Wow.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

God is faithful and so caring about every detail of our lives. I love both those stories because they prove that.
To have a relationship with the Son of God is the best thing ever. I'm glad too that the only qualification to have a personal relationship with Him is to believe I am a sinner and He paid the price for my sins, bearing my sins on the cross so that I could be friends with God! It didn't cost me anything but it cost God His Son. That's what grace is:

What Love---- John 3:16;
1 John 5:11,12
I'm thankful He rose out of that tomb where He was buried and is seated at the right hand of God right now...... alive! Praise His Name!