Wow do I have a lot of catching up to do. I have sadly neglected this blog in favor of Facebook, but talking with a friend who is a blogger reminded me today of how much I enjoyed this. So, no promises, but I think I'm going to try giving it more of my attention again. I've missed it without even realizing it.
The kids are good - here's a Halloween picture - that was such a fun night and the kids did remarkably well. A couple of lessons learned though:
1) Callie will NOT wear anything on her head - second year in a row we've tried this, with complete and utter failure.
2) Mason doesn't understand the concept of getting out of the way of door when the homeowner is trying to offer him candy.
3) People who just hold the bowl out in front of the kids are guaranteeing they'll take a handful, regardles of the instructions the child(ren) have been given by their parents!
4) Mason may very well be the sweatiest guy alive.
Lexi started kindergarten this fall ... she made it six whole days before landing herself in the principal's office for "noncompliance." I could go into more detail, but you know that you don't go the principal's office for the first offense! I was highly amused; her parents, on the other hand, were completely mortified! Thankfully it seemed to make an impression because at conferences last week the teacher said she has had absolutely no more problems with her - I say smart teacher for nipping it in the bud! Apparently tomorrow is pajama day at school, and Lexi is super excited ... Christa thinks she will want to wear her "flowy" tinkerbell jammies, which should be interesting. SUCH a unique child!
Mason's doing well in preschool two days a week, and he has our lovely friend Brenda for his teacher, which is a huge blessing! He is currently obsessed with Lincoln logs, and has built some quite impressive structures.
Callie is in the throes of the terrible two's. No doubt about it. REALLY no doubt about it. :)
I started a new job at Olathe Bible Church October 1st working in the Women's Ministry department as the program director - so far I am absolutely loving it.
Brandon was home from his year-long missions adventure on September 5th, and headed back to San Diego last weekend to his buddies and to look for a job. It was great to have him home for so long ... the down side is that I got used to having him around and I miss him terribly!
Well there you have it ... my catch up post. Wonder how long it will take anyone to notice ... can't imagine anyone's still checking after all this time! Maybe I'll post it in my status on Facebook!