Thursday, May 25, 2006

Last day

Today was my last day as a City Union Mission employee. This has been a relatively short season - I just started in November, but my life has been mainly comprised of short seasons ever since the Lord claimed me as His own. :) I keep thinking I'm getting used to it but sometimes it still surprises me, and this one did! I loved my work and the ministry God allowed me to have to the clients and even some of the staff there, but in the end, my heart stayed home all the while I was at work. So, with my dear husband's support (and finally his pushing when I needed exactly that), I am back home full time and thrilled about it.

I will miss some of the good friends I've made at the Family Center especially, but plan to keep up with them in other ways, including volunteering and going to Camp CUMCITO this summer.

I'm tempted to look back and say, "Lord, What WAS that all about?" But I know better. I will just stay in the ready position, and do the next thing, whatever that may be.


Angie Clayton said...

Thank you for that reminder - you're the first one who ever told me about the tapestry, and God has used it to comfort me and remind me and allowed me to share it with others SO many times! I just love it.

Anonymous said...

I love your website. It has a lot of great pictures and is very informative.

Anonymous said...

Hallo I absolutely adore your site. You have beautiful graphics I have ever seen.