Thursday, November 30, 2006

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!!

It's only 2 1/2 hours into this storm that's supposed to last all night, and we already have something like 4-5 inches of snow!! Greg came home early to try out his new snowblower - he's just getting started so no pictures of him yet ... maybe later. :)
This is the view out my back patio door...
And this is the view out my front door (think those trash men are still coming today? Me neither.)
This was the same tree yesterday, covered in ice!

I'll keep you updated with snowfall totals - never a dull moment in Kansas when it comes to the weather! You know it's been a WEIRD weather weeks when, while sorting laundry from only the past few days, I get down to the bottom of the hamper, and under the sweatshirts and long underwear I find shorts and tank tops!


Anonymous said...

We're getting it today. I couldn't make it to work (boo hoo)

Anonymous said...

I'm loving the snow. The boys and their cousins are having sooooo much fun in it. They actually stayed outside for two hours yesterday, and their on their way back out now! :)