Friday, June 09, 2006

Busy week!

Well, sorry to disappoint you but my camera is malfunctioning at the moment so no pictures with this post. Use your imaginations! :)

We just got home from Jazz in the Woods, a free concert weekend at Corporate Woods in Overland Park. Average White Band was the headliner, and they were great! (Late 70's disco/jazz band - I knew a few songs and Greg knew them all!) It was fun ... the weather was perfect, AND we got a good parking spot. At the end there was a big group of people line dancing and it was JUST WRONG!! Line dancing and disco music should be mutually exclusive, I say.

Christa and I went back to DeeDee's on Wednesday - no dead critters this time, just a lot of rat poop. :( We made good progress and are planning to go again next Wednesday. Two difficult moments:

1) When we realized that what we thought was a mirror in the next room is actually a big doorway into YET ANOTHER ROOM FULL OF STUFF!!

2) The nasty bloodstain on the front porch, left (we were told) by a guy who got "rolled" for his dope in the middle of the night before we were there. Definitely a good reason to be done by noon.

Let's see, what else happened that made me feel so busy this week? Oh, camp training Tuesday and Thursday night - always a treat. Actually it is truly fun to see and spend time with camp folk - some of my favorite people in the whole world are my fellow camp volunteers.

We had Bible study this morning - a backyard FULL of kiddos! It was at Monica's, and in addition to our usual crew, she was watching a friend's three kids too. They played in the pool and ran through the sprinkler, while we sweated mightily watching them play! Mason kept launching himself over the side of the pool onto the deck - I think that boy has sumo wrestling in his future.

Well that's it for now. I do have some fun pictures to post once my camera is working again!

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