Monday, June 05, 2006

Gardens and sand castles

We spent the weekend at home - it was wonderful. Here's a picture of Greg tilling up the "community garden" - it was plowed once in the spring and then not much has happened since then. What little got planted has been eaten up by the critters. I had all but given up on doing anything else, but when Greg got the tiller running (a story in and of itself) he plowed it all up and we went to town! Beautiful black dirt - reminds me of my growing up days in Nebraska.

Anyway, we planted watermelons, cantaloupe, squash, corn, radishes, cucumber and carrots to add to the tomato and pepper plants we already had going. It will all come in late, but that's ok because of our late July/early August camp schedule. Greg has come up with the ingenious (I think, but I'm biased) idea of getting a motion sensor sprinkler - it kicks on for 3-4 seconds if it's tripped by any animals and scares them away. Hope it works!

We had Lexi Saturday - we WORE HER OUT! Or maybe we all wore each other out. Here's some pictures of her and Papa building - and then destroying - a sand castle community.


Anonymous said...

My mouth is watering for a yummy home grown tomatoe! Hint Hint! Glad you were able to get the tiller going!

Angie Clayton said...

No problem, we'll share! That's assuming the deer don't eat them first, of course.

Anonymous said...

You are so blessed that Christa was with you cleaning out DeeDee's place because the whole rat thing would of sent me running for the nearest road, not to return any time soon. :) That is so cool that the two of you are doing that for her, what a blessing you are for her.

Anonymous said...

AMAZING!!!!!!! Did you return? Cindy

Angie Clayton said...

If you mean to DeeDee's, yep we did, last Wednesday. We're set to go back again this week, if she gets her "assignment" done - to clean out a nasty corner and go through one box by herself. This week's highlight was the huge bloodstain on the wall of the entryway where, we were told, a guy was "rolled for his drugs" a night or two before we were there. Hmmm. Good reason to stick to mornings.