Wednesday, December 03, 2008

Can someone explain "Twitter" to me??

OK I'm not the most techno-savvy chic on the block, no doubt about it. But usually I can make sense out of this stuff eventually. Take this blog, for example. It's been a LONG work in progress but it gets a little prettier all the time, right? (RIGHT?)

So I've been noticing lots of people's blogs and/or facebook pages referring to Twitter. Curious, naturally, I go there, and I seem to have instantly created an account for myself, with one follower completely unknown to me (also instantly) ... but I have no idea what to do or where to go from there. I can get to the website, and get myself signed in ... then, I'm lost.

So help me. I'm admitting my idiocy. I tried. I give. Help!


Clif Guy said...

Twitter is a way of instantly updating a lot of people with a short message. "Tweets" are limited to 140 characters because that is the max length of a cell phone text message. Each time you tweet, those people who are following you will see your message and each time the people you follow tweet, you will see their messages. Twitter can also be hooked up to a blog, Facebook, etc.

Common Craft has a great explanation here:

I'm at

Angie Clayton said...

Clif! Thank you - I should have just asked you in the first place. :) Is here a way to "find" people other than searching through the specific mail servers offers, or waiting for someone to give me their url (thanks by the way ... you're my second twitter friend ... and at least I know who you are!)

Clif Guy said...

Developing a network of Twitter friends is a chicken-and-egg problem: no point in tweeting if you don't have a bunch of friends tweeting.

Yes, you can use Twitter's e-mail feature to let your friends know about Twitter and to encourage them to sign up. Eventually you hit a critical mass where one friend (or you) follows a number of people and then when others come across that person (or you), they see who they're following and add them. In other words, this key connecting person ends up being the source of a network that helps new people quickly build their networks.

I don't know if you're on Facebook, but it has the same issue. At first, you can't find anyone on Facebook. Over time, you connect with some people and eventually it takes off exponentially and you build your network very quickly.

I hope I explained that in a way that makes sense.

Clif Guy said...

Oh yeah, and I should have mentioned that when I tried to follow you back at, I got an error message. Something in your account apparently isn't setup correctly.

Anonymous said...

The profile URL is