Friday, December 05, 2008


So tell me, who looks more unhappy here, Santa or Callie? My parents took the littles to see Santa recently, and they all had interesting reactions. This one was the funniest visual, for sure. Lexi was too shy (HELLO!!) to speak, so Santa asked her if she wanted a dolly with blond hair like hers, and Lexi whispered, "Yeah, I guess so." And bailed. Off the lap, out of there, do not pass go, do not collect $200. Later, when her daddy wanted to know what she asked Santa for, she said, as perky as can be (translated: normal), "A SWIMMING PUPPY!" And no, we have no idea what's she's talking about. But yes, apparently she IS a liar! :)

Mason. He jumped up on Santa's lap and had a good 'ole conversation. "I want cars. I weally wike bwue cars, but I wike yeddow ones too, and I wike big ones and widdle ones ...." He kept talking all the way out and was still jabbering to Santa about yellow trucks when he was standing outside of the roped-in area, and the NEXT KID was already on Santa's lap!

Good times, cherished seasons. And all too soon, poof, they've grown up while you weren't looking ... why am I still laughing at this whole story, and suddenly tears have filled my eyes?


Emily said...

First Halloween, now Christmas on Santa's lap. These festivities are not sitting well with Callie. We just got the family pictures in the mail, so sweet and not a terrified Callie in one of them! That picture with Santa is a keeper!

Brenda said...

Oh sweet little Callie!