Sunday, October 22, 2006


Lexi's favorite thing to do right now is paint, and she always wants pink paper to paint on ... I'm going to run out soon. Can you buy a ream of pink construction paper??

... And, Mason in pink slippers. No further comment, except that I didn't put them on him.


Anonymous said...

They do have packages of pink paper. There's a place called Supply Closet, it's a teacher store and they have packages of paper. You might have to pay a little extra vs Walmart, but isn't your Grandaughter worth every penny? I wouldn't worry about Mason,he's so darn cute he can get away with wearing pink slippers. :)

Angie Clayton said...

Well it's gotta be cheaper than buying multiple reams of rainbow colored paper and only using the pink sheets! :) Mason did enjoy those slippers ... of course he doesn't know his colors yet so it's not his fault. Then again, the next night he had a complete meltdown because his daddy wouldn't let him take the little blue purse to the park with him. Hmmm.