Sunday, October 22, 2006

Call you spell stubborn?

OK I PROMISE you Mason knows all the body parts I'm asking him about in this video, but he insists on looking the happy fool and pointing repeatedly to his ear ... except for the end - he is apparently quite taken with his socks right now. The beginning cracks me up - he just started shaking his head violently every time you ask him if he's done with his food.

1 comment:

Kari F. said...

Okay Angie I love,love,love your site. I can be a fly on the wall of my niece and nephew I never get to see. Thank you so much, I know I speak for all of us here in Nebraska when I say we all appreciate being kept up to date with their lives and even their obsession with socks and ears. I still can't get over that Mason is JR's "mini-me".