Saturday, November 29, 2008

KU! Yay!!

KU Hall of Athletics

What a surprisingly awesome border-war game today against Missouri - it was a nail biter right down to the end but we pulled it out! Rock-chalk-Jayhawk GO KU! It got so exciting at the end I got all sweaty and had to take off my outer sweatshirt and my slippers! :)

And then there's the Chiefs ... boo hiss. I know, I know, it's a rebuilding year. Whatever.

I've been busy today. Not really intentionally, but it has turned out to be productive in a kingdom kind of a way (I hope!). I worked on fine-tuning/debriefing from the retreat last weekend - it's amazing how it is going to change every single time, I can just tell. God knows better than to let us rest on OUR ability, OUR research, OUR knowledge about these subjects, He will see to it that the curve balls keep coming.

Greg took me out to lunch - Winstead's, one of our favorite places to get "sliders." Haven't been there in a while! We talked, and talked, and talked ... you'd think with no kids at home we would do that more but it somehow doesn't work that way! Anyway, we talked a lot about what WOMEN need from marriage, I asked him a lot of questions. He has been very involved in all my research on what men need; suddenly today I was curious to know what he perceives that women need most. I have to give him props - he got it mostly right, even blindsided by the questions. He is a very perceptive man and knows me well. It was a neat conversation all the way around.

Later this afternoon I spent a long time talking (IM'ing actually) "around the block" with a new sweet friend asking me about a battleground in her life ... I kept firing questions at her, trying to get a full picture of what she was dealing with, before giving an opinion, and eventually she answered her own question! It was a cool thing to be used in such an unobtrusive (for me) way ... usually I'm just, "OK, here's what you do. Number 1: blah blah blah. Number 2: yada yada yada ..." and so forth. But because I didn't have full info I just kept asking questions, and I didn't really get very far into the "OK here's what I would do" - well maybe just a little :) but she was already there. The POINT is it was really neat to see God work through me in a completely different way than I'm used to, and in the process really start to bond deeply with this sister.

My grandkiddos are home - I haven't seen them yet but I've missed them! Apparently Callie Anne "discovered her scream" on the three-hour drive home from Lincoln - I expect that means she figured out it's fun to scream for no reason, no pain, no discomfort, hunger, poop, nothing like that, just the sound of her voice gave her pleasure. Wow. Sorry I missed that ride.

I did talk to Brandon briefly today on facebook. Even though some of his team members have posted, he hasn't yet, and when I asked him what he could tell me about where he'd been and what he'd been doing he said he didn't feel comfortable talking about it until he was "off the continent." What little he did tell me and that I've read from the other team members' blogs makes me glad I didn't know where he was or what he was doing! He's supposed to leave for Kenya tomorrow for three days of debriefing, so I'm hoping for a good blog post or a long email that I can share at that point. He also said that there is no electricity where he is going in Kenya, but he thinks there might be a small town nearby with internet access. So we may or may not hear much from him again this next month. Please keep praying for him! For those of you that have asked, there's no way to send him anything in the mail for Christmas or his birthday, because they move around so much. :( I'm sure he'd love every single thing you would have sent him though!

Time for bed. I think all the bloggers have taken the weekend off except me ... hope to see some of you back this week!

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