Friday, November 14, 2008

Short trip, big impact?

I'm off to Warsaw to co-teach another marriage retreat. Please pray for us that God's word on the subject of being godly wives will have lasting and dynamic in the marriages of the women we will be with.

Along the same lines, I'm experimenting with a new blog called Marriage Infusions. (There's a link to it on the left.) I'm not sure where it's going, if anywhere, but would love input and feedback, and suggestions about topics that matter to you. If you get a chance check it out and let me know if it's valuable. If not, no worries ... I'll just start journaling this stuff on my own. Who knows, maybe there'll be book material there someday. :)

My prayer for the weekend: Man makes the plans (we've done that), but God directs our steps (now release it to him)!


Anita J. said...

Have a great retreat!

Brenda said...

I love your new marriage blog. I believe it will be a great resource for all the marriages out there. I think it's wonderful how real you keep everything and let your readers know that all marriages aren't perfect, but with God they certainly can and must be honored!! :) I love you lots!!