Saturday, November 01, 2008

Twick or Tweat!

We had the best fun last night. The weather was beautiful, the time hasn't changed yet, so unlike all the Halloweens I remember when MY kids were little, it was warm, dry, and light, at least for awhile. :) Lexi the fairy (can I say that?) and Mason the pirate ran their little legs off going from house to house - FINALLY Mason found an appropriate outlet for his "outside" voice, yelling 'TWICK OR TWEAT' at the top of his lungs at every house. At one point he ripped his eye patch off, handed it to his daddy and said "I'm done with this." J cracked up laughing - the thing was so sweaty it was sopping wet.

About two blocks from our stopping point, he stopped. Dead in his tracks. Lexi was bounding for the next house with a porch light on, and he just stood there. Remembering ... this is the kid that NEVER stops moving (or talking), he even runs up the stairs to bed! He said, "I'm tired. I'm done twick or tweating. I don't want any more candy." And he rode in the stroller the rest of the way! He looked a little ridiculous in it too, I might add ... he looked like a beached whale getting in and out of it!

Callie was naturally totally unimpressed with the whole thing - she wore her costume exactly long enough to take two pictures and then ripped it off over her head.

Lexi was some sort of very glittery fairy princess, although she abandoned the wings before she even left home. We were all covered in glitter by the end of the evening. Somehow I missed getting a picture of her alone ... but knowing her I'll have another million chances over the next few weeks. I might even get one of MASON wearing her costume. :) They share. By the way, Mason definitely wore his costume (sans makeup and eye patch) to the grocery store today.


Kari F. said...

Did Callie get any candy or what? They all look super adorable, of course! Hope all is well down in Kansas. Love Kari

Sheila said...

Tell those kids how great they looked. Yes, we too had the best weather so the kids could really make a night of it. Love to all

Angie Clayton said...

No candy for Callie ... unless the big kids shared with her ... she spent the whole trip hanging out in the stroller kicking her legs and grinning. ;)

Emily said...

Adorable! Halloween is the best!

Anita J. said...

Poor little ladybug. She looks terrified! That is a great picture. She'll probably love that one when she is all grown up.