Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Oh the joys of this boy!

We have Mason overnight tonight. It's been quite awhile since we've had any of the kiddos over here for a "sleepover" - too much going on, I guess, which is NOT ok. I'm remembering why it's not ok because even as I sit exhausted at 8:12 p.m., my sides are still aching from laughter. He never stops moving and he never stops talking - he's a living breathing definition of a "running commentary."

First we went to Walmart to pick up milk, and found frozen turkeys on sale super cheap so we picked one of those up too. And then Mason (in the back of the cart) basically bench pressed that turkey repeatedly until we were through the checkout line, growling often "I'm STRONG!" His little hands must have been completely frozen.

He was amazed in the parking lot - "Papa how did you get the car lid to go up automatically?" (He really did say "automatically".)

He raced between the toys and the bedrooms and the stairs and going in the closet with the flashlight while we fixed dinner, then chowed down as usual. I had never thought of dipping dill pickles in ranch dressing.

After dinner, hot wheels abounded. His short little legs were carrying him back and forth, back and forth, as he yelled after each car ... HERE COMES SUPER (supply any word here). For example, we had Super Tink, Super Mighty, Super Dinner, and about 100 others I couldn't understand. The cat likes hot wheels too, as it turns out, and Mr. All-Boy-Forever-Strong-and-Mighty Mason started freaking out because the cat was touching his cars and he was scared to go get them. (She's declawed, by the way.) He was a sweaty mess by the end of the session.

And last but not least, for his bedtime story he picked "Disney Princess - Royal Rooms and Pretty Places."

Wonder what the morning will bring. :)

Edit: When we went to bed at 10:00 he was still in his room talking! I told Greg maybe a "Papa talk" was in order ... Greg came out of there doubled over in laughter. Apparently, Mason was sideways in the bed, blankie stuffed in his mouth as usual, feet up on the wall, and Greg said, "Mason, you need to put your feet under the covers and go to sleep." Eyes wide, mouth full, he nodded his head, maybe mumbled something. Then Greg said, "And if you don't stop talking, I'm going to send the kitty in." Out came the blankie and he sat up and said, "WHAT DID YOU SAY??" We never heard another peep. I'm thinking Greg should write a book called "Useful alternatives to corporal punishment ... how to scare the crap out of your kid."


Anita J. said...

I hear grandparents say the grandchildren have us kids beat by a mile. He sounds so cute.

Angie Clayton said...

That's true, but only because we can relax with our grandkids the way I never could with my own - I was so afraid that every decision I made had the potential to send them into a lifetime of therapy. No such worries with grandkids!

Kari F. said...

God Bless that boy! I was just tellin' Grandma Sheila today that I cannot wait to see that boy, he just cracks me up!

Angie Clayton said...

He's a trip, for sure - he told us last night at dinner that he's "allergic to red fings." I asked him what would happen if the pickles were red, and he said he couldn't eat them then because ... he's allergic to red fings. What??

Anonymous said...

He is the sweetest, funniest boy. I laughed so hard when I read your blog. You know.............. the kind of laugh that makes tears come to your eyes.


Angie Clayton said...

I know!! He makes me laugh like that all the time - definitely free entertainment!